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Behaviour Policy


As a registered Childminder I use ‘positive behaviour management techniques’ in order to promote positive behaviour. Strategies I use include:

Giving lots of praise for good behaviour

Giving the children individual attention so they feel valued

Setting a good example i.e. being a good role model

Listening to and respecting what the children have to say

Rewarding good behaviour e.g. certificates, choosing next activity, etc

Involving children in decision-making, setting ground rules, etc

Working with parents to promote a consistent approach.

Distraction: removing the child from the situation and giving them an alternative activity.

Ignoring: depending on the situation I may ignore the unwanted behaviour e.g. low-level attention seeking.

Discussion: if the child is able to understand I will discuss their behaviour with them to encourage an appreciation of the consequences of their actions on others. I inform them that it is their behaviour that I do not like, not them.

Making the children aware of any consequences that will result from their actions

Removing the child from the activity and sitting them quietly for a few minutes in another area but within sight and hearing.

Any behaviour that warrants a consequence will be recorded in my incident book, and will be discussed with you. Consequences will be appropriate to the age/ability of the child.

I will NEVER use or threaten physical punishment of any form, nor will I humiliate your child.

Physical intervention will only be used to manage a child’s behaviour if it is necessary to prevent personal injury to the child or to other people, or to prevent serious damage to property. Any occasion where physical intervention is used to manage a child’s behaviour will be recorded and parents will be informed about it on the same day.

I aim to work in partnership with parents, and ask to be kept up to date with any changes to their child/ children’s home life that may affect their behaviour.

If you have any concerns regarding the management of your child’s behaviour, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to meet and discuss them with you. 

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